Updates for Windows Applications Extended not Showing

Hello and greetings from Portugal!

I’m trying to enable the “Updates for Windows Applications Extended” site but for some reason I cannot find it on the license overview, although I have Lifecycle licensing.

It may be something about BigFix version? Mine its

Best regards,
Diogo Sousa

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Does your masthead need an update?

Run the besadmin tool on the root server and see if there is an update then refresh the license overview page using right click as the refresh button isn’t always great :slight_smile:

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I’m having the same issue, except I have compliance. I have run the besadmin tool.

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Check if they are listed under the Compliance sites within the License Dashboard by “updateforwinappextend”. In some cases for whatever reason, it lists the available sites not by their actual name/display name but their keyword.


Hi agerogiev!

Tks for your reply, but we don’t have licensing for Compliance.
Already checked the Lifecycle and there’s no “updateforwinappextend” there.

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If you have ran the BES Admin tool as suggested above and it hasn’t made any difference, then next step would be to open licensing support case and check if things are set-up correctly there.

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I was able to resolve my issue. Something to look for is in the BigFix License Overview page at the top is the “License Update Date:” Mine was not updating. I had some other issues with my server around being able to patch. I fix that, patch, and updated my BigFix version to the latest, and then ran the BES Admin tool. Once I logged back in I noticed that the License Update Date was updated and I now had the option to enable the Updates for Windows Applications Extended.


Good morning everyone!
I’m sorry, I’ve missed that quote about besadmin tool.

I’m…pretty new with BigFix so…could would please just quick explain how to access the besadmin tool?
Already checked my console folder and it’s not there.

It’s only available on the Root Server and requires credentials for the license key and the database to be ran.

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:slight_smile: Understood! Tks!

I’ll need to take a look ther!

I actually have the same issue with my lab environment and I have not gotten around to fixing it. I have been ignoring the problem, but it is my fault due to my licensing in my lab environment being messed up.

So, this subject it’s “solved”. Its all about our license in testing environment.
Already working fine in production environment! :slight_smile: