I’m beginning the process of upgrading from 9.5.4 to 9.5.5. I started off by running the action “Updated Windows Installation Folders - IBM BigFix version 9.5.5 Now Available!”. I can see the action successfully caches the files, then it goes to the status “Running”. After a few minutes, the status switches to “Failed”. When I check the action info, all steps show “Completed”.
I checked the “besinstallationgeneratorupgrade.log” file and I can’t seem to find the issue. The last lines are:
1: INSTALLATION INFO: – Begin DetectAndRemoveObsoleteCDT –
1: INSTALLATION INFO: – Begin FindExistingMasthead –
InstallShield 9:58:38: Installation aborts, ready to shut down.
InstallShield 9:58:38: Invoking __ResetMsiObject…
MSI © (8C:94) [09:58:38:200]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI © (8C:98) [09:58:38:200]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
When I check the installation folders, it looks like the folders for the “Client” and “ClientMSI” have been updated to the 9.5.5 software. The folders for the “Console” and “Server” still have the 9.5.4 setup programs.
Any ideas? Thanks!