Unmanaged Asset Scans

So, since I set up our environment, I’ve never been able to get results from the Unmanaged asset scan. Deciding to take another whack at it, I saw a post elsewhere saying that the scan basically looks for 52311 and if that is open, it is considered “managed”. So am I correct to assume that if you don’t have a client firewall active (e.g. you have your client firewalls stand down completely when behind the corporate firewall), the scan will never show results?

Hi @KapaaIan see: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21506197

So yes, if you don’t have a firewall and you have a bigfix client on the asset - you should not see this guy show up. However, there is a setting that’ll just tell the importer tool to include managed assets (if that’s your thing). I can dig that up if its helpful.

Nah. No need. It was more a “Oh, this is why I can’t get this working” thing. I wonder why it can’t use the same detection method as the Client Deploy tool since that seems more accurate.