Uninstall Product

Tried to uninstalled one Product from GUID but action completed software not gone,

Tried below option but no luck,

waithidden “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /x {{4BCE5BA7-03F8-443F-9FBC-8D8F6D0B522E} /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

waithidden cmd.exe /c MsiExec.exe /x{{4BCE5BA7-03F8-443F-9FBC-8D8F6D0B522E} /q

waithidden cmd.exe /c MsiExec.exe /x{{4BCE5BA7-03F8-443F-9FBC-8D8F6D0B522E} /q Exit code 1605

That looks like a user-based install. Not sure what the product is, but you may need to run it as that user. You may need to investigate the product’s documentation for how to remove it system-wide.

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SW name is Nextiva and SW document mentioned MsiExec.exe /X{4BCE5BA7-03F8-443F-9FBC-8D8F6D0B522E} GUID for uninstall, let me check more inside,

Error code Value Description
ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

Looks like MSI is not happy with this install?

What happens if you manually open a command window on the box and manually run the command MsiExec.exe /x{{4BCE5BA7-03F8-443F-9FBC-8D8F6D0B522E} does it work, or give you an error?

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