Uninstall IEM/TEM/BES Non-Windows Client

(imported topic written by cstoneba)

Does anyone have a task to uninstall the TEM client from all non-windows OS that works for clients from v6 to v9? I see the task for “TROUBLESHOOT: Uninstall BES Client”, but it is for Windows only.

(imported comment written by FSINJ)

cstoneba - I don’t see anyone reply to your question. Did you find a solution to your question? If you did, can you share because I need to remove BES Agent from CentOS and RHEL. Thanks in advance.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

no luck. I thought I made a task that would uninstall the RedHat and Solaris client, but I can’t seem to find it now. It shouldn’t be that hard for Unix, just need to know the package name and then through it after an “wait sh -c rpm …” command

(imported comment written by FSINJ)

Thank you so much for answering my question. If you happens to find the task, I wouldn’t mind having it any time in the future.