Uninstall DSS SAM Scanner

(imported topic written by Marty23)

Has anyone run the “Uninstall SAM Scanner” task?

To me it doesn’t seem to run correctly and after running it on a system, that system never becomes relevent for the “Install DSS SAM Scanner” task. On the “Install DSS SAM Scanner” task seems to just to look to see if the OS is a windows and then it looks for the following “not exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\DSS\SAM” whose (exists value “SAMDeny” of it) of registry” which is still part of my registry after I run the uninstall!

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

The uninstall task deletes the whole DSS registry structure at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\DSS by first creating a .reg file, and then running regedit with the .reg file as a deletion argument. When that portion of the registry is deleted, the Install task will be relevant again.

If the uninstall task can’t create the .reg file or isn’t able to run regedit, the registry deletion won’t take place and the Install task won’t become relevant.

Does the action info from the client for this run of the Uninstall task show any failures?

(imported comment written by Marty23)

It reported complete and seemed to delete some of the reg entries, but not all of them. Let me re-run the uninstall and report back my findings.