Uninstall Application Help Please - Adobe Acrobat Pro 6.0

(imported topic written by dflint91)

Being totally new to creating custom fixlets I need some help.

I am trying to uninstall Adobe Acrobat Pro 6.0 using this line and it is failing.

wait c:\windows\system32\MsiExec.exe /x {{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001} /q

Thanks in advance for your help.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi dflint,

Hmmm… that looks pretty solid… If you double-click on the action status, does it show this line as “Completed”?

If the line shows “Completed”, what is your relevance? Also, can you verify that the application is still installed?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hey dflint,

I would suggest taking out the full path to msiexec.exe. It’s not needed. A Windows 2000 PC defaults to C:\Winnt\system32, which would probably cause it to fail.


wait MsiExec.exe /x {{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001} /q

Or if you really want the path in there…

wait “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /x {{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001} /q


(imported comment written by dflint91)

I’ve been out of town a few days but thanks for your responses. It seems there are dependent files open preventing the uninstall to occur. Is there a switch to force closing dependent files?

Application Event Log Error 1013

Uninstallation Dialog cannot continue - one or more applications are using files that are marked for uninstall. Please close all open applications before continuing

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Ok, most likely it’s Internet Explorer causing you grief. It could also be something from MS Office that’s running.

I don’t have Acrobat Pro 6, but let me use Acrobat 7 Pro as an example of how to fix the uninstall.

Using ORCA, InstallShield or WYSE, look at the InstallUISequence table. You’ll see an entry called “ApplicationsInUse”. It’s condition is: UIMODE=“YES”

Change it to “NO” as a passed parameter, and you should be OK now. Just remember to reboot the PC in the end since you don’t know what still needs to be removed on reboot.

wait MsiExec.exe /x {{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001} UIMODE=“NO” /q


(imported comment written by dflint91)

Thanks for your help.

It works now.

(imported comment written by SirFixAlot91)

Follow-up Question for this old thread . . .

I am trying to remove Adobe Acrobat 9 in this same manner but I am running into an issue if the system has outlook currently open and the above solution is not working. I checked the .msi with Orca and I do not see the same setting to suppress the checking of open applications. Does someone have the working command for the removal of 9?

Here is what I am using (same as above) but it stalls out in silent and gives a failure if it’s not in silent:

MSIEXEC /x {{AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000004} UIMODE=“NO” /q

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