Unable to track usage of more than one Application in Dashboard

(imported topic written by neilhenderson)


I seem to be having a problem with the Application Usage Dashboard. I had a problem with it with multiple warnings saying that all application tracking data had been reset and to remove the analyses and re-enter them from the dashboard. This I did but the only application I can now select from the ‘Show Tracking Results’’ drop down list is the first one I started tracking, when I drop down the list and select one of the others it just collapses back to the first one in the list.

Does anyone know what is causing this to happen and how I might fix it?


(imported comment written by Shlomi91)


We have the same issue as described above.

i stopped and and removed all analysis entries, and then re-started them.

the good news, is that it kept all the “old” data.

the bad news, is that i can only see whichever application appears first in the list.

this is important to me as we need to “true up” our licenses before the end of the year, and this is the main tool for the job.



(imported comment written by neilhenderson)

Does anyone else have an issue with this or is it just the two of us, the fact that two users are having the same problems leads me to believe it is a change to the Bigfix system as oposed to us changing something.

Can someone please help.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Shlomi and Neil, we are looking at this issue and should have a fix for you shortly. I apologize for the inconvenience.


(imported comment written by Shlomi91)

Hi Anna,

thanks for your input,

does this mean ts a general issue?

also - one more correcttion: once i cleared the cache on my local console, i can no longer see my old data. does that mean its gone?



(imported comment written by neilhenderson)

Thanks Annamin

I have the feeling we have lost all our statistics data over the last year, is there any way to recover it once the fix is in place.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

The fix for this issue has been published. I believe you will still have your historical statistics data, since deleting old analyses has no effect on tracking applications, but I do see some issues with the “Aggregate Application Usage” chart. We will look into this issue. However, from my preliminary tests, all other areas of the dashboard appear to be reporting correctly.