Unable to Run .sh file in a Linux Client

I have a package where I have a .sh file as Installable … This .sh file in turn will trigger the required rpm and input files to install the software . However, I am facing difficulties running .sh file on the client end point

wait /bin/sh
wait /bin/sh -c
wait sh
wait sudo -root

I tried hard-coded the path to trigger the install but it was exit code 1 most of the time…
Any help would be appreciated.

Even if you get it to work, I don’t think it’s going to do what you expect. I believe each WAIT call instantiates it’s own environment. I’d just make the call to the .SH file directly with the relative path from the BESClient actionsite folder. That way, if the Fixlet/Task is ever moved to a different site, it will still function properly.

wait chmod 777 __Download/install_ncpa_rhel.sh
wait __Download/install_ncpa_rhel.sh passive2west

As for why the cd command is failing, I have no idea, unless it has to do with the trailing “/”.