Unable to Create Pre-cache for Windows 10 1709

I am using the Software Distribution Dashboard to a pre-cache for Windows 10 1709, and it keeps failing. I can’t use the canned fixlet to upgrade because we us Symantec Encryption Desktop. I am pre-caching the source on the client before running the upgrade. The extract fails. I have used bfarchive to create the archive, and I also going to have to use bfarchive to perform the extract?

I have added the following code to the code generated from the SWD.

dos “__Download\BFArchive.exe” -x “__download\Win101709compressedPackageData.bftemp” “__download”

The extract is not happening. The return is succeeded, but there is no extract. When I run it manually from a CMD prompt from the same Bigfix directory, it works.

If you are using the bfarchive tool then you can unzip the content using the extract command.

extract <archive-file> <destination>

Reference: https://developer.bigfix.com/action-script/reference/file/extract.html

Thanks Fermt. That worked! I thought I had some tried that already.

Recapping, what I had to do was use BFArchive.exe to compress the Windows 10 1709 source independent of Bigfix, and then add that compressed file to the SWD. Then add the following line to the SWD generated code.

// extract any compressed files
extract “Win101709compressedPackageData.bftemp” “{parameter “baseFolder”}”