HI All, I am using BR Archive utility to create a archive of five files in a folder and i using the BFarchive -a command to create the bfswd file. But it is not creating the bfswd file. Please suggest on it. The command i am using is as follows:-1:
bfarchive -a “E:\Program Files
rise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\UIM\Windows\Windows_Server_2008_2012_2016” Nimsoft_V796
I have been using the version shown in the screenshot below:-1:
Do you need me to download the one sent in your response as I am using the version 9.5.10. Also the utility is creating the file but it is not bfswd file.
You can give it any extension you want. I think bfa is typical, but bfswd should work too if you prefer that. The extract command in actionscript doesn’t care what the extension is.
Manish, I am able to get he file created, but can you assist me on the Nimsoft package creation as it is getting installed but not able to update the robot.cfg file with new hub name and IP address. Let me know if we can connect?