Typo in fixlet 7056274

(imported topic written by BrianCanFixIT)

There’s a typo in action #2 of fixlet
7056274 (the sha256 needs to be on the same line as the prefetch
… there is an erroneous line feed).

If you try and run action #2 you get the following error “Unable to parse action script line 2: unknown action command.”

I can duplicate the fixlet locally and fix the typo, but how can I get IBM to fix it?

Fixlet: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 55 (32-bit) Available (JRE 7 32-bit version Installed) (x64)

(imported comment written by BaiYunfei)

Hi Brian,

Thanks for reporting the issue. You can get IBM to fix it by reporting it to our support, or reporting it here in this forum.

The issue has been fixed in Updates for Windows Applications site version 655. Thanks!