I’m trying to use BigFix to create a Region property for our PCs. The Location Property wizard option for first 2 Octets is great for this except our head office and 2 other sites are in the same subnet octet as one of our big regions. We’d like to separate these 3 ranges from the subnet at large. We already use Location by Subnet for a Site name field as well. Would doing a new Location by Subnet wizard as per normal but only include the first 2 octets for the appropriate regions and then 3 octets for the region that requires differentiation?
ie 10.31.x.x is South East region. But 10.31.104.x, 10.31.105.x and 10.31.108.x need to be in a separate “region”.
unique values of (if (it starts with “10.31.104.”) then “Region1” else if (it starts with “10.31.105.”) then “Region2” else if (it starts with “10.31.”) then “Southeast Region” else “Unknown”) of (subnet addresses of adapters of network as string)
Thank you Ben. I edited that to add in my other regions and it works great. I changed Unknown to Unknown/VPN because those PCs won’t report as being part of a region.
I also edited the last part of the relevance because some PCs have 2 IP addresses with a code that we used to use for Primary IP address.
(subnet addresses of adapters whose (cidr string of it = wake on lan subnet cidr string) of network as string)