(imported topic written by BenKus)
I was speaking recently to a technical support guy from McAfee and he had the following advice:
I was reading the forum you linked and if our Virus Scanner is causing an issue for some customers when used in conjunction with Bigfix a possible solution would be to use high-risk/low-risk process policies to exclude the bigfix process (or processes) from having their disk I/O scanned.
Basically rather than excluding a specific directory or a specific file you are instructing the On-Access Scanner (OAS) to exclude disk read/write attempts for a specific process. From what I read in the forum it sounds as if your process is making very frequent disk read and/or write attempts on multiple files and the OAS could potentially slow this process down. We have a very similar issue with backup programs (such as Veritos backup exect) which systematically read hundreds of files and back them up if they determine they are newer than the backed up file.
For more information on high-risk/low-risk process policies please direct customers using McAfee Virus Scan Enterprise 8.x to our knowledgebase (http://knowledge.mcafee.com), have them search for
9162748 and open the article titled “Understanding High-Risk, Low-Risk, and Default processes configuration and usage”