Trying to set a category on an analysis

(imported topic written by jeremytoo)

I’m trying to set categories on my analyses, so I can more easily filter in webreports.

I’m using the following session relevance:

Q: (name of it, ( (analysis flag of it, category of it, name of it) of property of it, values of it) of property results whose (name of property of it starts with “X.Y.Z.W”) of it) of bes computers

My data never contains a valid category. I believe I am specifying the category incorrectly in the analysis.bes file.

I’m guessing that I have to assign the proper MIMEField, though that’s a shot in the dark. I have unsuccessfully tried the following:


Business Use Notice


MY Business Use Notice


MY-analysis Business Use Notice


MY-SCM-analysis Business Use Notice


Business Use Notice

Can anyone lend me a clue as to how to assign a category to an analysis?


(imported comment written by jeremytoo)

The solution is to specify category between Relevance and Source :

name of operating system as lowercase contains “linux”

Business Use Notice


inside the analysis XML file allows it to be imported.

However, when I query the category with:

Q: (name of it, ("|"& category of property of it & “|”, name of property of it, category of property of it, values of it) of property results whose (name of property of it starts with “X.Y.Z.W”) of it) of bes computers

I get this:

A:, ( ||, X.Y.Z.W exempt t6, , False )

A:, ( ||, X.Y.Z.W compliant t6, , False )

Are categories inside analyses actually implemented?

I’m running version: 8.0.584.0

(imported comment written by jeremylam)


The solution is to specify category between Relevance and Source :

name of operating system as lowercase contains "linux"
Business Use Notice


inside the analysis XML file allows it to be imported.

This is actually the category of the analysis as a whole, but does not set the category on its individual properties.

However, when I query the category with:

Q: (name of it, ("|"& category of property of it & “|”, name of property of it, category of property of it, values of it) of property results whose (name of property of it starts with “X.Y.Z.W”) of it) of bes computers

I get this:

A:, ( ||, X.Y.Z.W exempt t6, , False )
A:, ( ||, X.Y.Z.W compliant t6, , False )
Are categories inside analyses actually implemented?
I’m running version: 8.0.584.0

Analysis properties are implemented in a different fashion - they are automatically parsed out from the property name instead of using a separate field. The property name is in the format ::. The same format can be used for global properties.

You can check out the exports of the “BES Health Checks Analysis” or the “BES Client Helper Service” analyses in the BES Support site as an example, which have property categories.

The following session relevance query might also illustrate how it works:

(name of it, category of it) of bes properties whose (category of it != “”)

(imported comment written by jeremytoo)

Okay, that makes sense. It’ll be an easy thing to go through and mass modify my analysis properties to include two colons. Thank you so much for your help! I’ve been banging my head against the wall on this for a few days now.

A note in the session relevance documentation would be grand for this. Frankly, more examples in the session relevance documentation would be grand.

(imported comment written by jeremytoo)

How would I go about getting the category of the analysis that owns the properties? Is that possible?

(imported comment written by jeremylam)

It looks like there isn’t any Console UI to see or change an analysis’s category, but it can be added when the analysis is imported as a .bes file using the method you mentioned above - adding a category node after the relevance in the XML.

I’ve filed an enhancement request for viewing and editing a analysis’s category in the console.

Assuming that the analysis has a category, it can be viewed by using:

(name of it, (if (exists category of it) then (category of it as string) else (“N/A”)) of it) of bes fixlets whose (analysis flag of it)

or listing by individual property:

(name of it, (if (exists source analysis of it AND exists category of source analysis of it) then (category of source analysis of it as string) else “N/A”) of it) of bes properties