(imported topic written by jeremytoo)
I’m trying to set categories on my analyses, so I can more easily filter in webreports.
I’m using the following session relevance:
Q: (name of it, ( (analysis flag of it, category of it, name of it) of property of it, values of it) of property results whose (name of property of it starts with “X.Y.Z.W”) of it) of bes computers
My data never contains a valid category. I believe I am specifying the category incorrectly in the analysis.bes file.
I’m guessing that I have to assign the proper MIMEField, though that’s a shot in the dark. I have unsuccessfully tried the following:
Business Use Notice
MY Business Use Notice
MY-analysis Business Use Notice
MY-SCM-analysis Business Use Notice
Business Use Notice
Can anyone lend me a clue as to how to assign a category to an analysis?