Trying to get output of a specific file version

(imported topic written by garbroo91)

I am trying to create a task to output the version of a certain file. I have a folder “snare” and I am trying to output the version of the file “snarecore.exe”

I am fairly new to Big fix and very new to scripting…any help would be greatly appreciated.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi garbroo,

If you are looking to get the version of a file in a BigFix property, you can go to Tools > Manage Properties, and use relevance that looks something like this:

version of file “snarecore.exe” of folder “C:\snare”

Or… if you want to get slightly more advanced, you can do some error checking:

if (exists files “snarecore.exe” of folders “C:\snare”) then version of file “snarecore.exe” of folder “C:\snare” as string else “n/a”


(imported comment written by garbroo91)

Thanks for the ideas. I will give it a try and let you know.