Trying to get last day or so of some log files

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

2 problems…

first the file is open by the application, I can open it with notepad, no problem but when i try to access it with bigfix I get the error

E: The expression could not be evaluated: class FileIOError

is it good to copy each file to a new file name then read it ? how best to do that ?

with this application I want to read 5 log files into an analysis only the last few days of each

the log files have the format below

Jul 16 14:11:39:698


spooler: Robot Spooler 3.31

Nov 7 2008

Jul 16 14:11:39:698


spooler: PID=14616, loglevel=0

I just want to read the last day or so of the file ?

Help please


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I ran into a similar issue when attempting to parse the client logs for errors. I was told that it could not evaluate the current log as it is a locked file. The irony that the file is locked by the client’s own process. You would think the client would be able to parse its own current log …

The next best thing is to parse previous days log files by qualifying the date range of the logs. … files whose (creation time of it < (now - time interval “1 day”)) …

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

There is only 1 log file and the application trims it every few days