Troubleshooting Status Failed

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

We are having issues deploying MS08-041. This patch was successfully deployed upon initial release, but a lot of our workstations are now showing it as relevant.

A large percentage of the deployments come back as “Failed”, even though all subtasks are complete. Looking at the client log, all actions complete and the fixlet then reports as non-relevant.

We manually checked each relevance of the fixlet with QnA, and all resolve to “True”.

I’m trying to reconcile the information from the client log (action complete, non-relevant) with the information in the console (failed, fixlet still relevant).

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

He is a log entry from a “failed” deployment:

At 16:07:06 -0400 -

DownloadsAvailable: checking for ‘http://ourserver:52311/bfmirror/downloads/6330/0

DownloadsAvailable: true (action id 6330)

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) Distributed - DownloadsAvailable

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) JobReady - ok to start

At 16:07:07 -0400 -

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) action signature verified

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) starting action

At 16:07:10 -0400 - Enterprise Security (

Command succeeded (Using download manager collected file) download (fixlet 6330)

Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {(size of it = 1147472 AND sha1 of it = “df3b1f6a06127b1a97f99ec810139a6143dfbfe5”) of file “access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe” of folder “__Download”} (fixlet 6330)

At 16:07:13 -0400 - actionsite (http://ourserver:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)

Not Relevant - MS08-041 (fixlet:6330)

Relevant - Status of Action 6330 (fixlet:2147489978)

At 16:07:14 -0400 - Enterprise Security (

Command succeeded waithidden __Download\access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe /quiet /norestart (fixlet 6330)

At 16:07:15 -0400 - Enterprise Security (

Command succeeded run “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\BES Support\RunQuiet.exe” “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\BES Support\qchain.exe” (fixlet 6330)

Command succeeded (No pending restart) action may require restart “df3b1f6a06127b1a97f99ec810139a6143dfbfe5” (fixlet 6330)

At 16:07:15 -0400 -

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) ending action

At 16:07:40 -0400 -

Report posted successfully.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Mike,

Yep… it looks like the patch is being run successfully, but it is not fixing the issue… Here is some more info on how to troubleshoot:

Here are a couple log messages explained:

DownloadsAvailable: checking for ‘http://ourserver:52311/bfmirror/downloads/6330/0’ --> Checking if the file is available from the server/relay.

DownloadsAvailable: true (action id 6330) --> Relay has the file!

Not Relevant - MS08-041 (fixlet:6330) – > The action status has been updated, i.e., “Running” (yes… this is a slightly odd log message)

Relevant - Status of Action 6330 (fixlet:2147489978) --> The action status is ready to be sent to the server

Command succeeded waithidden __Download\access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe /quiet /norestart (fixlet 6330) --> patch executed with no known issues

ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) ending action --> nothing left to do

Report posted successfully. --> The report on all the status has been sent to the server

Note that you didnt see a log message that said something like this which would indicate the original Fixlet message went false:

Not Relevant -


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