(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
He is a log entry from a “failed” deployment:
At 16:07:06 -0400 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for ‘http://ourserver:52311/bfmirror/downloads/6330/0’
DownloadsAvailable: true (action id 6330)
ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) Distributed - DownloadsAvailable
ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) JobReady - ok to start
At 16:07:07 -0400 -
ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) action signature verified
ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) starting action
At 16:07:10 -0400 - Enterprise Security (http://sync.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/bfgather/bessecurity)
Command succeeded (Using download manager collected file) download http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/a/b/9abd4736-f97b-4afb-b492-086ac580a586/access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe (fixlet 6330)
Command succeeded (evaluated true) continue if {(size of it = 1147472 AND sha1 of it = “df3b1f6a06127b1a97f99ec810139a6143dfbfe5”) of file “access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe” of folder “__Download”} (fixlet 6330)
At 16:07:13 -0400 - actionsite (http://ourserver:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite)
Not Relevant - MS08-041 (fixlet:6330)
Relevant - Status of Action 6330 (fixlet:2147489978)
At 16:07:14 -0400 - Enterprise Security (http://sync.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/bfgather/bessecurity)
Command succeeded waithidden __Download\access2003-kb957198-fullfile-x86-glb.exe /quiet /norestart (fixlet 6330)
At 16:07:15 -0400 - Enterprise Security (http://sync.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/bfgather/bessecurity)
Command succeeded run “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\BES Support\RunQuiet.exe” “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\BES Support\qchain.exe” (fixlet 6330)
Command succeeded (No pending restart) action may require restart “df3b1f6a06127b1a97f99ec810139a6143dfbfe5” (fixlet 6330)
At 16:07:15 -0400 -
ActionLogMessage: (action 6330 ) ending action
At 16:07:40 -0400 -
Report posted successfully.