TRC and TEM integration

(imported topic written by shedd44)

Hi all!

I have installed TEM 8.2 and TRC, but in TEM console I still cannot see menu item for TRC ( right-click on the target etc. )

Remote Control Installation and Security Options Analysis is enable.

Is there any way how it enable?


Roman Sobota

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


The menu entry is created when the RC Controller is deployed in the same machine where a TEM Console is already deployed. There are a few additional challenges if the machine where you are installing the Controller has multiple users logged in since the menu entry is created by adding a registry key with the RunAsCurrentUser tool.

It might be worth checking the TEM Client log file in the machine you are deploying the controller to and see if there are any errors there.

(imported comment written by shedd44)


It works only if Windows is English language, non-English language Windows not works, I try with Windows 7. Any idea?


(imported comment written by shedd44)

I find solution