The operator "bes action" is not defined

is it also for baseline?

Hi, It’s now working : (name of computer of it, detailed status of it) of results of bes actions whose (id of it is 856714)

but how am I checking it for baseline? I want to get all the computers that completed successfully from the baseline.

I also want to execute this with api/query , I want to run it automatically after the task ended, how can I do that?

Yes the action is created for baseline, fixlet, task. So you don’t need to do anything different for a baseline

This will depend on what your baseline does and its success criteria.
The different status states are listed here

Here’s a snippet that will return the list of computers that have reported a status of fixed.

( name of computer of it,  status of it ) of results whose (status of it = bes action status fixed) of bes actions whose (id of it is 70)

I’d suggest you have a look at what statuses you consider to “completed successfully” in your particular case.

I need to get all the computer with status fixed.

can I get all the computers from all the components of the baseline that in status fixed?

How can I export that list to a file?

I need to run some commands on that list. and I want to make all this automatically:

-Take action from the baseline

  • get all the computers in state fixed (from all the components of the baseline)
  • export the list
  • run script on that list

is it possible ?


Try this relevance. The member actions are the components of the baseline.

(status of it, name of computer of it) of results whose (status of it is bes action status fixed) of member actions of bes action whose (id of it is 47)

I’d suggest you should test what results you get when you’ve multiple computers targeted and multiple results (some fixed, some not)

Have you tried the command line interface ?
It’s possible to do each to the items via the REST API and Command line interface.
This post has a link to a blog with examples of using the REST API which may help you understand it.

You might like to try the session relevance tester/editor tool as well!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Session%20Relevance%20Editor


thank you for your reply.
I entered the relevance you wrote but he can’t find anything. ( 0 rows)
are you sure it’s also related to baseline? I mean I entered the id of the baseline?

about the second question - I’ve checked and I found that I can connect to the Endpoint Manager server via cmd and run it with the iem.

something like that:
iem get query –relevance=” ( name of computer of it, status of it ) of results whose (status of it = bes action status Waiting) of bes actions whose (id of it is 856352)”

but I didn’t find how to connect . can you help me?

if I 'm running it I can schedule it so it will connect to the endpoint, run the relevance and export the list to a file.

Try without the

whose (status of it = bes action status Waiting)

To connect use the LOGIN [option][1], this example will prompt for the IEM server and credentails


Once connected you can make the other calls and direct the output to a file.
The output is in XML and the matching schema is on the IEM server.
Linux: /opt/BESServer/Reference
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\Reference

trying without the “whose…” - still 0 rows

and I’ll try with the login

I tried the login, the command line doesn’t recognize the “iem Login”…‘iem’ is not recognized.

Is this is windows or Linux IEM Server ?
The command line is installed on the Server and you’ll either need its directory in the path or be in its installation directory.

Is 856352 the id of the Baseline, or the id of an Action taken on the baseline?

Since you’re using the plural “actions”, if this action does not exist you will not get an error, but 0 results.

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I entered into the folder of the bigfix and still the iem login isn’t recognized.

about the relevance - is it’s id of the baseline , I entered the id of the action of the baseline and now it works. I need to try it with several components.

it’s windows.
I’ve tried to get into the installation folder from the command line but it still doesn’t recognized it.
which folder should I be on?

c:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\IEM CLI>

now I succeeded to connect :smile:

but why i can’t run this command:

c:\IEM CLI>iem get query -relevance="(status of it, names of computer of it) of results whose (status of it is bes action status Waiting) of member actions of bes actions whose (id of it is 856352)"

error:Parameters must be of the form ‘–key value’ or ‘–key=value’

you need two - before the relevance


you have only one

now it works! =] thank you!

is there a way to encrypt the password I need to write In the iem login?

I created a task to install the session relevance tester: