Text replacement works in Fixlet Debugger but not in fixlet

This is harping back to another post back in nov 17 that was working for me but has again changed adding two further parameters… The Annoying thing is that it works perfectly in Fixlet Debugger but not in the fixlet.

appendfile {concatenation “%0d%0a” of (if (it contains case insensitive regex (parameter “TextToReplace1”)) then ((parameter “NewText1”)) else (if (it contains case insensitive regex (parameter “TextToReplace2”)) then ((parameter “NewText2”)) else it) ) of lines of file (parameter “FilePath”)}

Parameters have been defined. It iterates thought the file in question but changes nothing in the actual fixlet action… The fixlet debugger works perfectly.
The file is in a folder off C:\ProgramData

Does SYSTEM have rights to read your “Filepath” file and write to your target under ProgramData?

Yes… System has Full control , Read /Write/modify etc. as does “Everyone” .

OK. I’ve experienced these oddities in behaviour between the debugger and a real fixlet myself. Usually down to the different environments.
Time to work out which part is failing, reading the source file or writing to the one in ProgramData. I would try writing something simple to the ProgramData file first and see what (if anything) gets written.

Have you tried testing the relevance as local client in QNA and see what you get?