I’m trying to install Tera Term 4.71 on Windows 7 client from BigFix. When I run the task on client, the action status is still in runnning state. When I tried to install it manually on client system it prompts to install LogMeTT and TTLEditor components. I guess these two components are causing the action not to complete.
How can I completely suppress all the installation prompts and install all these three components from BigFix?
I’m using /VERYSILENT switch along with the installer. Do I need to provide additional switches to suppress LogMeTT and TTLEditor installation prompt?
You would probably need to post this query to TeraTerm. This isn’t really a BigFix question, and the only response you’d get here is from someone else using both BigFix and TeraTerm; but if TeraTerm has a forum, the answer you need will be the same regardless of how the product is deployed.
I would try to see if you can extract the contents of the install and install LogMeTT and TTLEditor first before you try Tera Term. If the endpoint has the 2 prerequisites and the you then try to install Tera Term outside of BigFix and it completes with no prompt, you would them be able to either install them with a baseline or one single task.
We have silently installed LogMeTT and TTLEditor before installing Tera Term and it worked perfectly. However it is not working with the single Tera Term installer.
Then depending how you have loaded the files to your root server, you should be able to take the contents of the script file and incorporate that into your task/fixlet.
In the task, I’m writing the silent installation script to install these components. The task contains three installation commands to install LogMeTT, TTLEditor and at last Tera Term.