Task success criteria based on a condition

Complete Noob here…

how can I implement a custom success criteria clause to evaluate whether an action succeeded? I have a task that installs an application, if the application install is successful a file named install_success.flg is created on the C:\app\ folder. If it fails, then an install_failed.flg file is created.(This all happens as part of the app installation process). How can I use a clause to check if the success or failed flg files were created and based on it report if the action was successful?

Appreciate the guidance

An Action should always be marked as ‘failed’ if a ‘continue if’ clause evaluates to False. So you should be able to add

continue if {exists files "c:\app\install_success.flg" and not exists files "c:\app\install_failed.flg"}
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just what I needed… thanks a lot!