Task or Fixlet to move computers into manual group

Is there a task or fixlet that will add a computer to a manual computer group? Im building a baseline that i would the last step to move the computer to another group. This should trigger the manual group to start a new sequence.

You can only manually manipulate a “Manual” group hence the name. If you want something to dynamically change groups you should be using the automatic/dynamic groups.

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Hi @druffin!

It would seem as though you’re trying to automate the membership of a manual group.

A normal automatic group should suffice for this situation. You can use a fixlet at the end of your first baseline to place a, “Tracer” on the endpoint – normally a file on the disk or a registry key or, preferably, something that indicates that the first baseline ran (software is installed, setting is changed, etc).

The membership of the group in question would simply be relevance that is true if the tracer exists (or your first baseline has ran).

That way computers will automatically pop into the group once the baseline has finished.


One advantage of using a Client Setting for this purpose is that the way to put the data into the client setting and read it back with relevance works the same on all platforms.

That said, I don’t love the idea of having thousands of arbitrary client settings for everything and there is overhead to using clientsettings in this way, so for that reason, it is not a great idea.

Related: Registry Relevance - #4 by strawgate

I also wanted to point out that you don’t actually need to use any type of group to do this. You can cause baselines to run in a sequence by setting something at the end of one baseline and having relevance in the 2nd baseline to only have it run when that thing exists.