Task keeps running although installation was successful

Hi all

I’m still new to this so go easy.

I am running the following task and preventing the Auto Reboot but still include the manual restart notification post install.

The following installs the application and prevents the auto reboot, however the job remains running in BigFix and does not offer the restart notification.

Please could someone help.

wait "__Download\BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe"
waithiden msiexec.exe “__Download"BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe” /norestart

Thank you.

Maybe this was a typo, but are there too many quotes in your waithidden line? Check out proposed below.

wait "__Download\BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe"
waithiden msiexec.exe “__Download"BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe” /norestart

wait "__Download\BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe"
waithiden msiexec.exe “__Download\BIGIPEdgeClient NEW.exe” /norestart


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You wouldn’t run the msiexec command against a .EXE file, it only deals with .MSI files.

You’d also need to find the command lines to make the installation silent. For an MSI package that’s generally the /qn parameter but it can vary on EXE installers.

Likely msiexec is trying to present an error message to the effect of ‘the EXE file is not a valid Windows Installer package’, but because we run as LocalSystem the error message is not presented on the user’s screen. Now msiexec is stuck ‘running’ because it is waiting for a hidden error message to be acknowledged.

You’ll need to kill the ‘msiexec.exe’ process before the action can move on to Failed.


Thanks both for your input.

I will continue testing and see how i get on.