Task Failure stops Action

Here’s a scenario i’m trying to work thru:

I’m patching 10 servers. I have a task that is only relevant to 2 of the 10 servers. I include this task at the top of my baseline and when that task fails i want patching to stop. I know there’s an option when creating the action “run all member actions of action group regardless of errors” but if i uncheck this option patching would stop if there was an issue with 1 of the patches. I only want the action to stop/fail if the task at the top of the baseline fails.

Is there another approach?

You could have that task set a flag on the client (for instance putting a value in a client setting), and include that value as part of the baseline relevance, or a custom constraint property on the action.

For instance in the task’s action script when a failure occurs add

setting "my-task-failed"="true" on "{now}" for client

Baseline relevance method (the baseline will switch to non-relevant when task fails)
not exists setting "my-task-failed" whose (value of it = "true") of client

Custom constraint method (baseline stays relevant but action status switches to ‘Constrained’):
Create a Global Property named ‘Ready to patch’ with Relevance

not exists setting "my-task-failed" whose (value of it = "true") of client

In the Action Settings dialog when issuing the action, select ‘Run only when … Ready to patch…equals…True’

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Brilliant. Thank you. I’ll give each method a try.