System shutdown on idle time

My lab group has an interesting question:

Can Power Management shutdown the computer if it’s been idle/unused for a set time?

Not via power profile because we set Windows power settings to drive the behavior after an idle period and powercfg does not allow for setting a shutdown option, only sleep and hibernate on the platforms I’ve seen. You can use our Power Off Computers task and just tweak the constraints like run only when no users are logged on, or pop-up a message and shutdown if they don’t cancel it within 15 mins. You can also use our PC Insomnia fixlets as a base to check for idle state and change the action to do a shutdown instead of standby.

You can definitely detect idle time and shut down the computer after the idle time. You can also only do this when no user is logged in.

You can also log off users if they are idle for too long.

Why do they want to shut down computers? What is the purpose? If it is just to save power, then I would NOT recommend this. Sleep is very power efficient. There is no need to power off the system.

In Labs, it DOES make sense to reboot the systems at least once a day when no user is logged on.