"Sync Custom Checklists" activates the Measured Values analyses?

So my operators are telling me that when they use the “Syncronize Custom Checklists” wizard, they are not presented with an option of whether or not to activate the Measured Values analyses. And the analyses are getting activated.

As this results in hundreds of gigabytes of extra data getting reported up to my BES server, I need to determine whether that is correct. Are we doing something wrong, or do I need to open a support ticket on it?

A case has been opened on this, TS000075416

Well, results of the case were “That’s a Feature, not a Bug”.

I’ve filed an RFE to fix this feature at http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/execute?use_case=viewRfe&CR_ID=115227 , I’d appreciate anyone who can help me upvote it.

In the meantime, even though I’ve manually deactivated theses analyses each time we resynchonize our custom checklists, I find that the property results are consuming 25 GB of my BFEnterprise database. Anyone have a suggestion on how to clean it up?

This query will show the results consuming the most space in the database:
use BFEnterprise
select e.Sitename, e.Name, l.computerid, l.AnalysisId, DATALENGTH(l.ResultsText) AS [Size] from LOCAL_OBJECT_DEFS e left join LONGQUESTIONRESULTS l on l.AnalysisID = e.ID where ComputerID is not NULL and e.IsFixlet = 1 and dbo.fn_ExtractField( ‘Fixlet Type’, 0, e.Fields ) = ‘Analysis’ order by 5 desc

adding a filter for “only results above 1 MB” showed me that only the “Measured Values” analyses were that large.

use BFEnterprise
select e.Sitename, e.Name, l.computerid, l.AnalysisId, DATALENGTH(l.ResultsText) AS [Size] from LOCAL_OBJECT_DEFS e left join LONGQUESTIONRESULTS l on l.AnalysisID = e.ID where ComputerID is not NULL and e.IsFixlet = 1 and dbo.fn_ExtractField( 'Fixlet Type', 0, e.Fields ) = 'Analysis' order by 5 desc

I can get the values for the primary key fields that I would want to remove from LONGQUESTIONRESULTS via
select e.Sitename, e.Name, l.computerid, l.AnalysisId, DATALENGTH(l.ResultsText) AS [Size], l.SiteID, l.PropertyID from LOCAL_OBJECT_DEFS e left join LONGQUESTIONRESULTS l on l.AnalysisID = e.ID where ComputerID is not NULL and e.IsFixlet = 1 and e.Name LIKE 'Measured%' and dbo.fn_ExtractField( 'Fixlet Type', 0, e.Fields ) = 'Analysis' order by 5 desc

… I think if I wrote a query to delete from LONGQUESTIONRESULTS the rows matching l.computerid, l.analysisid, l.SiteID, and l.PropertyID from this query, then used BESAdmin to resignsecuritydata, that I could shrink the database, reclaim the space, and get better SQL performance (as this 25 GB of unwanted results accounts for half of my database size). But I don’t know whether this operation is safe to do, or if there’s a better way to remove outdated LONGQUESTIONRESULTS from the database.