SWD_DeploymentResults.log grow exponentially

Hi all.
From the version 85 of the site “Software distribution”, if we create a new task with “Manage Software Distribution” dasboard, we can see thise lines at the end of the task:

 if {name of operating system as lowercase starts with "win"}
waithidden cmd /C type "{parameter "logFolder"}\{parameter "logFile"}" >> "{parameter "mainSWDLogFolder"}\{parameter "logFile"}"

But the problem is that, in some previous lines, we can see this:

parameter "logFolder" = "{parameter "mainSWDLogFolder"}"

So, the sentence is:

waithidden cmd /C type "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\__Global\SWDDeployData\SWD_DeploymentResults.log" >> "C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\__Global\SWDDeployData\SWD_DeploymentResults.log"

this sentence do grow the log file in each action.

Why the dasboard build the task like this?


I opened a PMR case to laboratory for this bug.
I´ll keep all of you informed.

I am seeing the same problem.

Software Distribution, site version 86 has been published and includes the fix for this issue. Please note that you need to re-create the problematic tasks using the new site.

What exactly is the fix here, because I’m at version 86 and nothing appears to have changed when creating a new deployment fixlet.

Will the SWD_DeploymentsResults.log tell which tasks need to be recreated?

The problem only appears to be happening on Windows 7 32 bit. Is that true, or does it also happen on other OSs?

I’ve had it randomly happening on Windows 7/64bit and Windows 10/64bit. I’ve had a computer fill up it’s hard drive space with a 465gb log file.

I also watched the same deployment work fine 4 times on my test machine, and the 5 time I ran it, this happened.

I’m currently running an action to delete any sw log over 10mb. It’s hit about 221 machines now (we have over 96k). So it’s very hit or miss…

The problem occurred only on Windows machine with task created with site 85.
In some cases the task contained

waithidden cmd /C type "{parameter "logFolder"}\{parameter "logFile"}" >> "{parameter "mainSWDLogFolder"}\{parameter "logFile"}"
where logFolder and mainSWDLogFolder was the same directory.

The effect of this was that the size of SWD_DeploymentResults.log was doubled when a new software installation is executed (1K -> 2K -> 4K …).
Task with id 13 of Software Distribution site helps to keep under 1MB (maximum recommended size) the size of the log.

@DaveG I do not think that this issue could be related with the increase of the log up to 465gb. You should identify which distribution task produced it considering that the standard output of the installation command is recorded in the log. Probably you have a software package with an installation process that is indefinitely writing on standard output. In case you have this problem again I suggest to open a PMR.

That command - waithidden cmd /C type “{parameter “logFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}” >> “{parameter “mainSWDLogFolder”}{parameter “logFile”}”

was just looping over and over and over until it maxed out the SWD_DeploymentResults.log

Yes. The version 86 solven it.

Doesn’t the SWD_DeploymentResults.log ever overwrite itself? What is the strategy for maintaining this log? I am looking at a log that goes back to 2013.

SWD_DeploymentResults.log records the deployment results of software that has been deployed on the device.
It is recommended to keep it under 1MB, you can use the task “IBM BigFix Client: Clear Software Distribution Log Exceeding 1 MB” (id 13) to monitor and clear.

I am working on getting mine under 100 MB at the moment.