Superceded patches for KP2976627

(imported topic written by Spock)

It appears that we’ve just entered a black hole. If MS14-051 is superceded for the fourth time, then theses servers won’t receive KB2976627 in 2014. At some point, we need to apply patches that have been superceded and prevent digging a bigger hole.

Am I right or am I right?

(imported comment written by BaiYunfei)

Hi Don,

Part of the Fixlets for KB2976627 have been superseded by corresponding Fixlets for MS14-052. Since these Fixlets are Cumulative security updates, applying the latest Fixlets should be sufficient.

However, if you do need to apply any superseded Fixlets, you can find them by turning on the ‘Show non-relevant content’ in your IEM console, look for the superseded Fixlet you would like to apply, right click to create custom copy, and remove the any relevance that writes ‘False’.

Hope the above helps.