SunOS Servers stuck at Pending restart

Hi All,
I have an issue when i issue a reboot action of some of my SunOS servers after they have been updated with the latest packages. The servers go into a “Pending Restart” mode but when I connect to the servers manually i can see that they have indeed been rebooted. The message that I have been given from IBM is that the servers get a new BigFix ID and the console is still waiting for the previous ID to check in. This is odd to me since it does’t seem to happen to all my SunOS nodes.
I am running SunOS 5.11 ( and updating to SunOS 5.11 (

Hello seacros,

There is a possibility that more than one restart is required for a mentioned machine.
What does “pending restart” relevance show for that machine?

Also please note the following fixlets results:
Fixlet ID 390: "Restart Needed - Triggered by a BES Action"
Fixlet ID 391: “Restart Needed - Not Triggered by a BES Action”


Its odd but the server(s) actually take the action and they reboot. They just dont report back in to BF as they are rebooted. If i do a ad-hoc group via dashboard with the servers in question i get duplicates. I see the the ones that are pending restart (grayed out) and the new ones with same server names/ip.

OK, if you have grayed out Clients and active reporting Clients with the same name/IP/MAC, then you were told correctly: grayed out Clients have an old (obsolete) Client ID and will never report again. So you may ignore grayed out Clients (or simply delete non-reporting duplicates from Console) and use active reporting Clients instead.

If you want to make sure, you may add the ID column into Computers page in Console to see a Computer ID (or use an analysis with the relevance: computer id) and compare it with the Computer ID from the Client machine (it could be found either in a Client config file or in a registration URL from the Client log).

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