Success criteria for baseline components

We use baselines to deploy our standard app suite and recently I found that some components were reporting exit code 1618, which points to the install service being busy. They are marked as complete and so the baselines report as being successful.

I thought that adding custom success criteria to each component of the baseline would solve this issue, but it does not seem to apply to the tasks when they are in a baseline and seems to still be basing success on completing the task script and so the issue persists.

Is there something I’m missing here or could someone point me in the right direction?

You’re correct in your understanding, if one sub-action fails in a baseline, the master action will show as failed.

You did say “task” as a component. Typically for software installs that should be a fixlet and not a task. Funny things happen with tasks and failures, as task is more of “do this” but don’t prove it sort of thing. Like delete all files from C:\temp but there really isn’t a before and after state to “fix”.

If you do have fixlets in your baseline, I would review your relevance as there sounds like a bug in one or more of them.

As for custom success criteria, I have never used that feature and always relied on our default coded into the baseline and it’s components. I could see how that could be handy for a one off deployment that has alternative criteria. I assume an action should behave as expected with that, but others may have more info.

About the Tasks you are talking about

I suppose this is a Custom Software that you have built through the Wizard or Dashboard - I’m always using Custom Success Cretiria on those kind of Content

Please remember that when you are adding Tasks into Baseline - by default, they are not marked with the Show Baseline as Relevant if it is relevant - make sure you to mark that if want to do that.

What are you are trying to accomplish - If that Task will Fail with the help of the Custom Success - you want the parent action itself to return Failed - not just the sub-action, right?

Thank you for the responses!

The components in the baseline are tasks. We’re using Software Distribution and the actions that it creates are tasks rather than fixlets.

The issue is that they don’t report as failed even though the exit code shows that the install was not successful. Would this change if they were fixlets instead of tasks?

Yes, and as obitron said, make sure your baseline has each fixlet/task marked as required for “Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant”

@idaubney If you deploy them as individual task , does it still show Completed although there is an Exit Code?
If so, can you share the Success Criteria you are using?

The Exit Code doesn’t factor in to whether the task is considered a success or failure. By default a Task is considered successful I’d the entire action script executes without raising an error.

A common way to raise an error for bad exits code is to include

continue if {exit code of action = 0 or exit code of action = 3010}