2015-09-30 11:06:59 (+0:00:00.016) ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException: The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a less precise datepart.
Sequel::JDBC::Database.execute(E:/Program Files/ibm/SUA/wlp/usr
Did this occur on the very first import or while uploading a new catalog?
Please mention the SUA Version.
no it occurs during daily import , and not uploading catalog
SUA latest version (
I will ask someone from dev team to take a look at this thread.
Thanks a lot
Hi susvar
Can you provide bigger part of the log with full stack-trace and few lines before error message?
Also important is:
- Does it is first import and/or error repeat?
- MSSQL server version?
- Upgrade/Fresh install?
- any db restore backup on SUA/IEM?
- any special work was done before running that import?
Thanks uploaded import log just rename into .txt and open
Does it is first import and/or error repeat? No not in first import/ Error repeats
MSSQL server version? SQL 2012
Upgrade/Fresh install? Upgrade
any db restore backup on SUA/IEM? No not restored regular DB
any special work was done before running that import? No not done any work,
Thank you for replay.
Please open a PMR for this issue, you should add in description this forum thread and attache the import log.
Thanks for your support but PMR was already open no support from IBM I am requesting them to take remote to resolve but no response they are just asking logs but no solutions very bad service for SUA.
Can you send me PMR number via private msg, I wil check the status and see what can be done to speed things up. Thanks!
Have you got any solution
In case anyone else has same issue: “After running sql query for datediff function it’s resolved”
Hi Michalpaluch,
Please emphasize on what you mean when you said “After running sql query for datediff function its resolved”.
Could you pliz give details of the query that needs to be run.
I have the same issue,but this time Im getting the same info from the TEMA logs.
Please kindly advice
I will send you private msg
BTW. This issue will be fixed in next release which is planned to be released later this month.
Thank you for that,iv logged a PMR about the situation
I have given details to Michalpaluch
Thanks michalpaluch, problem solved