Strace command not work well insdie the action script

Good day All, I created an custom action to perform the following action scripts:


parameter “homefolder” = “{((if (version of client >= “9” as version) then (pathname of parent folder of data folder of client) else (pathname of parent folder of parent folder of client folder of site “actionsite”))) & “/LMT/CIT”}”

delete __appendfile
delete “{parameter “homefolder” as string}/”

appendfile #!/bin/sh
appendfile set -x
appendfile BCPID=$(pgrep -f BESClient)
appendfile echo $BCPID > /tmp/BCPID.txt
appendfile strace -f -tt -s 1000 -i -T -v -o /tmp/strace.out -p $BCPID &
appendfile STRACEPID=$!
appendfile echo $STRACEPID > /tmp/STRACEPID.txt
appendfile /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/ /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/ > /var/opt/BESClient/LMT/CIT/11820399_citlog.log 2>&1
appendfile kill $STRACEPID
appendfile exit 0

move __appendfile “{parameter “homefolder” as string}/”

wait chmod 755 "{parameter “homefolder” as string}/"
wait sh “{parameter “homefolder” as string}/” > /tmp/wscantrace.out


The purpose of this custom action is:

  • Find out the current BESClient PID.
  • Run the strace command against the BESClient PID in background using “&” symbol.
  • Then run the script provided by ILMT which spawned by the BESClient as a parent PID.
  • Then strace will continue tracing all the activities performed by the BESClient process.
  • When script is done, kill the strace PID.


What I observed is that strace command inside the script did not stay in the background as it should and it got killed or stopped immediately before running the script.

However, if I manually executed the script locally, everything works fine.

Any idea? Please advised. Thanks