StoreHistoricalPMResults.exe and SQL Mixed Mode Authentication

(imported topic written by murtasma91)

Working with the follwing BigFix KB

Currently in our deployment our BigFix Database and Web Reports Database are located on a SQL cluster on another domain with no trust between the domain where the server resides and the SQL cluster lives. We are using SQL Authentication to access the database.

Based on what the KB article states

“Note: The Windows user account used to execute the Scheduled Task must have access to the BigFix Database”

It does not appear like this tool will be compatible with our configuration. When I attempt to use the exe I get the following errors.

Will this tool work for us or will we have to have our operators manually update the historical data when they need to view reports?

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 1 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 2 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 3 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 4 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 5 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 6 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 7 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 8 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 9 of 10)

15:12:24 - Problem querying Web Reports (attempt 10 of 10)

15:12:24 - Could not get retrieve an answer for expression: current date as str


—Sep 23, 2009 :: Connecting to —

DBI connect(‘bes_bfenterprise’,’’,…) failed:


[ODBC SQL Server Drive


SQL Server

Login failed for user ‘’. The user is not associated with a truste

d SQL Server connection. (SQL-28000)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1) at StoreHi line 590

Couldn’t connect to database:


ODBC SQL Server Driver

SQL Server


in failed for user ‘’. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server conn

ection. (SQL-28000)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1) at StoreHistoricalPMResults

.pl line 590.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi murtasma,

That is correct and the initial release didn’t support SQL Server authentication (only NT authentication)… but we are currently testing a version that supports SQL Server authentication and we hopefully will have that out shortly…
