Stopped Actions

(imported topic written by smill59)

I need to know when an action was stopped and by whom. I found the action under stopped actions, but that only shows me who initiated the action and when

(imported comment written by dgibson91)

I don’t remember it being there in 6.0, but in 7.0 when you open the details of a stopped actions it shows on the top who issued and stopped it.

(imported comment written by smill59)

We currently have version I was told that everything in BigFix was auditable. Anyone at BigFix care to comment?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Smill59,

You can see who stopped the action by double-clicking on the stopped action, going to the “Summary” tab, and looking at the top left of the action to see who issued the action and when as well as who stopped the action and when:

It will look something like:

Single Action
Issued 2/11/2007 1:14:41 PM by ben
Stopped 2/11/2007 1:25:25 PM by ben

I don’t have a 6.0 deployment in front of me, but I think that it is the same in BES 6.0. If you can’t find this info, you can run queries directly against the database. For BES 6.0, it would be something like:

select * from PROPERTIES where id = AND sitename = ‘Actionsite’

This will give you a list of all the changes made to this action, the issuer, and the time.
