Stop service before restart

(imported topic written by mvalle99)

I need restart some services prior to resarting machines.

Can I stop the service only if one of the fixlets within a baseline are run on the targeted machines?

Creating a custom action via net stop will stop the service continually when it is run via policy.


(imported comment written by jessewk)

When creating your baseline, uncheck the box “Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant” for your restart service task.

That way the baseline won’t become relevant unless at least one of your Fixlets is relevant.

The checkbox is visible when you expand a component on the components tab of the Edit Baseline dialog.

(imported comment written by mvalle99)

Hi Jesse-

I understand the logic, but I am not seeing the option "Baseline will be relevant on applicable computers where this component is relevant.

Do I use a relevency statement for the stop service task?


(imported comment written by jessewk)

See the picture. You need to expand the component by clicking the + icon before you can see the checkbox.

(imported comment written by mvalle99)

Thanks Jesse. That worked for me.