Status "Failed" after deployment

Hello, I have a problem. Using a MS17-010 patch baseline, some number of target got fixed and some are Failed in status after restart. I tried to look at Event Viewer under “Setup” and I got these message.

Windows update could not be installed because of error 2148007941 “Server execution failed” (Command line: ““C:\Windows\system32\wusa.exe” “C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\Enterprise Security__Download\windows6.1-kb4012212-x64_2decefaa02e2058dcd965702509a992d8c4e92b3.msu” /quiet /norestart”)

That’s a return code coming directly from Windows Update Servicing Agent (wusa.exe, thepatch installer). This isn’t a BigFix issue, you would also get an error running the patch manually or through Windows Update.

If you try to install the patch manually, you may get a more descriptive error message. At the very least you’d get a hexadecimal version of the error number, which you’d be more likely to find when searching.

Running that return code through a hexadecimal converter at I find this value is 0x80080005.

This code in particular can be a tough one, and often indicates a corrupt Windows installation. Try the steps at , and see if that helps. If your are not running Windows 10, let us know what OS you are running; there is an older tool “Software Update Readiness” (CheckSUR) to download and run in place of the DISM command for older versions of Windows.

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You may also need to reset the Windows Update components. Instructions are available at

Hello, grateful with the quick reply. OS is Windows 7. Does the solution from your reply is also applicable to Windows 7?

The bit about SFC and Windows Update Reset are the same; but instead of using DISM /cleanup-image, you would need to use the CheckSUR tool.