SSL Cert for WebUI - Improvement Request

From recent posts from the WebUI team, it seems a lot of effort is going into the service; which is great news.

I would like to request that installation/updating of an SSL Cert be revisited. BFI and BFC applications have standardized on a rather simple model. For the most part, you just browse to your Cert from within the Web UI and selected it. It verifies it on the spot if its in the correct format.

As past posts have indicated, the WebUI process is more involved than it should be, involving taking several Cert chains and manually combining them, naming it correctly, placing it in a folder, and restarting the service.

So in short, are there plans to improve this process?


I second this. WebUI and WebReports SSL certs are overly difficult to install, especially for folks with a limited knowledge of PKI.

Or for those who are’t PKI savvy, perhaps the ability to pull in a normal PKCS #12 style certificate and its associated password.

There should be a way to pull the CSR from the WebUI interface rather than having to fiddle with Openssl.