South Florida User Group

(imported topic written by Tabby91)

We are planning a South Florida User Group Cocktail Event in Miami the evening of Wednesday, October 7th from 5:30PM-7:30PM. We wanted to see if this date would work for the majority as we want to ensure good participation. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your BigFix deployment experiences with each other, learn from one another and gather knowledge that will help you further maximize your investment in BigFix. We will have a BigFix Product Manager resource helping to host the event. The forum will be at a Miami restaurant (TBD) from 5:30PM-7:30PM where appetizers and drinks will be served and there will be prizes! Please respond to at your earliest convenience regarding you availability for this event. If we receive favorable responses a more formal calendar invite will follow. Our business is built on referrals so please feel free to bring a friend or business colleague.