Source relavance problem


ill try to do this relevance

(id of it, source of it) of bes fixlets whose ((creation time of it >= (now - 7*day)) and ((master site flag of it) or (custom site flag of it)))

and i got this error:

i think its because i get a fixlets and group
it can be to get only fixlet, or fix this relevance?

‘master site flag’ & ‘custom site flag’ are properties of sites not fixlets.


You need to create your list using the 'fixlets of ’ construct.


So, ‘master site flag’ actually is a property of the bes fixlet object as well :slight_smile: (see or

I’m guessing the problem here may that some of the Fixlets do not have a defined source of <bes fixlet>. Try:

(id of it, source of it | "n/a") of bes fixlets whose (creation time of it >= (now - 7 * day) AND (master site flag of it OR custom site flag of it))

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Thanks Aram, I’d not noticed that fixlets have that property.
In fact, I’m slightly bemused that a property of the owning site should also be a property of the fixlets within it.

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TNX ATAM!!:):slight_smile: