Source fixlet differs - Does Big Fix have a Policy on fixlets?

(imported topic written by ktm_200091)

Hi All,

On another thread “Relevance issue with MS09-024 – Office 2003 SP3” sdemonte pointed out how patch MS09-024’s relevance might not be correct and a method to get around this.

This afternoon going into the console I see that in my baseline for June the source fixlet differs for MS09-024 Office 2003 and that an additional relevance has been added to the patch. There are no notes within the fixlet which state that the fixlet was modified by big fix, nor are there any descriptions of what was modified.

I also see that patch MS09-019 IE7 and IE 8 varieties also have this same message.

My company wants patches to be tested within 2 days of release and then rolled out 2 weeks after testing. I am concerned that my testing is invalid because Big Fix is modifying the fixlet between the time it is released and first tested by me, then the fixlet is different by the final release date.

What type of Policy does Big Fix have for documenting their changes? Is there some way a person administering big fix can tell:

1 What Big Fix is changing

  1. When Big Fix changed it

  2. Most importantly does it impact the testing that was done

(imported comment written by BenKus)

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