Some differencies between Console and Custom Report

(imported topic written by shb91)


I’ve created a custom report. Here is one of my relevance conditions:

<?relevance number of relevant fixlets whose (source severity of it as lowercase = "critical") of bes computers whose ( value of result (bes property "Some Property",it) as lowercase = "sample_value" AND value of result (bes property "Computer Location",it) as lowercase = "sample_location" ) ?>

There are for example 2 computers relevant for the sample location and above expression gave me 15 relevant fixlets but when i check it in Console the number is different…

The console shows me only 2 relevant for that 2 computers.

What could be the reason of differencies between Console and the Report ?

Thank you in advance,


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi shb,

Maybe because the “bes fixlets” inspector also refers to “Tasks” and “Analyses”, which are considered sub-types of Fixlets in this form…

Try this:

<?relevance number of relevant fixlets whose (source severity of it as lowercase = "critical" AND fixlet flag of it = true) of bes computers whose ( value of result (bes property "Some Property",it) as lowercase = "sample_value" AND value of result (bes property "Computer Location",it) as lowercase = "sample_location" ) ?>

Also… Double check your Hidden Fixlets and make sure that you are not hiding the Fixlets…


(imported comment written by shb91)

Hi Ben,

Your solution fixed my problem !

Thank you,
