Thanks so much, Alan. I was able to use your comments and another from @jgstew here to put this one to rest. Here is my final action script containing the fixed “LDB_LineFeed” setting:
parameter "FilePath" = "C:\LDB\feed.txt"
// Find the line in the csv that starts with a number that matches the numbered part of the name of this device (without the leading zeros). Assumes only one line in the csv matches.
parameter "LineMatch" = "{(lines whose (it starts with parenthesized part of match (regex "^0*([1-9][0-9]*|0)-\w") of (value of variable "ComputerName" of environment)) of file (parameter "FilePath"))}"
// Store the csv header and matching line to be used later.
if {(exists file (parameter "FilePath"))}
setting "LDB_Headers"="{line 1 of file (parameter "FilePath")}" on "{now}" for client
setting "LDB_LineFeed"="{concatenation "%2522" of substrings separated by "%22" of (parameter "LineMatch")}" on "{now}" for client
Thanks again!