I am trying to create a BigFix setting to use later in a property analysis, but some double quotes in my csv file are causing it to fail.
An example csv that causes my issue would be like this:
3,1234 Any St,“San Diego, CA”,NULL,“Fake Company, LLC”,2085
My test action script for this is:
setting "LDB_Headers"="{line 1 of file "C:\LDB\feed.csv"}" on "{now}" for client
setting "LDB_LineFeed"="{line 2 of file "C:\LDB\feed.csv"}" on "{now}" for client
Here are the relevant log file entries showing the error with the second line that contains double quotes:
Command succeeded setting “LDB_Headers”=“LocationNumber,LocationStreet,Market,MarketDescription,EntityName,EntityNumber” on “Mon, 10 Aug 2015 08:30:19 -0700” for client (action:2281)
Command failed (Missing ‘on’ keyword) setting “LDB_LineFeed”=“3,1234 Any St,“San Diego, CA”,NULL,“Fake Company, LLC”,2085” on “Mon, 10 Aug 2015 08:30:19 -0700” for client (action:2281)
I’ve tried surrounding by %22, using the “escapes of” relevance, adding extra quotes, but cannot get anything to work. Any help is appreciated!