Software Usage Analysis 9.2 configuration issues


I m using IEM 9.2 ans i’ve successfully installed software usage analysis (SUA) 9.2
After installation I launched the web browser to complete the configuration i’ve got some error of connection with local host.

Can anyone please help? Kindly check screen shot

Is the database hosted locally?


Where is your database?

What service account did you choose in the installation? Local system account? (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Administrative Tools\Services\IBM Endpoint Manager for Software Use Analysis service\Logon page)

Is that account/user known on the MSSQL side?

Can you show me end of tema.log? (c:\Program Files\ibm\SUA\wlp\usr\servers\server1\logs)

Hi @jmaple yes the database is hosted locally

@Krk I’ve tried to connect with both windows and SQL authentication but failed.

The log file which is maintained under the (c:\Program Files\ibm\SUA\wlp\usr\servers\server1\logs) is given below and if need the detailed log file, I can send it to you. Please help
Thanks in advance.

SUA 2.2 migration to SUA 9.2 Data Import Issues.

SUA 2.2 was installed on majority of endpoints and working.

SUA 9.2 was required to be installed for audit purpose of
6-7 Servers.

SUA 2.2 was left operational during Installation of SUA9.2


migrating SUA 2.2 endpoints to SUA 9.2 endpoints was not successful as all
steps were not completed as described in documentation.

Problem Statement

  1.   SUA

9.2 Server installs correctly including the database

  1.   SUA

9.2 never completes initial Import Process (mandatory)

  1.   Import

log provided shows failure

a. 2015-04-13
14:05:53 (+0:00:01.263) ERROR: SQL: INSERT INTO
[sam].[app_usage_property_values_etl_changes] ([app_usage_property_id],
[computer_id], [process], [first_used], [last_used], [total_time],
[total_runs]) SELECT * FROM (SELECT ? AS [app_usage_property_id], ? AS
[computer_id], ? AS [process], ? AS [first_used], ? AS [last_used], ? AS
[total_time], ? AS [total_runs]) AS [t1]

b. 2015-04-13
14:05:53 (+0:00:00.000) ERROR: Batch execution error:

c. 2015-04-13
14:05:53 (+0:00:00.006) INFO: ETL from Data Source -
(0x0000000000000000 - 0x00000000DE9AAC32): Failed

d. 2015-04-13
14:05:54 (+0:00:00.196) ERROR: Sequel::DatabaseError:
Java::JavaSql::BatchUpdateException: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object
’sam.app_usage_property_values_etl_changes’ with unique index
The duplicate key value is (-1, 7883, lulnchr.exe ).

  1.   Subsequent

imports fail collecting data from the IEM source. Suspect SUA 2.2 data as part of the issue

  1.   Recommended

two options.

a. Submit
PMR to IBM for issue.

b. Uninstall
SUA 2.2 scanners and open actions

Uninstall SUA 9.2 Server and database (removing
bad data)

Reinstall SUA 9.2 and database

Run Import data

  1.   Elected

to go with option B.

  1.   Completed

all objectives as described.

a. Import
process still fails but with different data failure

2015-04-15 15:14:31 (+0:36:24.495) ERROR: SQL:
{call [dbo].etl_raw_datasource_fixlet_results}

2015-04-15 15:14:31 (+0:00:00.001) ERROR: Batch
execution error:

2015-04-15 15:14:31 (+0:00:00.003) INFO: ETL
from BFEnterprise - RawDatasourceFixletResult (0x0000000000000000 -
0x00000000DF35E426): Failed

2015-04-15 15:14:31 (+0:00:00.006) ERROR: Java::ComMicrosoftSqlserverJdbc::SQLServerException:
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint
"ckt_raw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd". The conflict occurred in
database “SUA9”, table “dbo.raw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd”.

  1.   Coexistence SUA 2.2 with SUA 9.2 is supported

as described below.

Can provide full import log for both import process. Next step is to either try to remove SUA 2.2 and data source or open PMR at this point.

Any thoughts

Hello, please open PMR and if you can send me msg with the PMR number.

the customer that is having the problem opened a PMR yesterday. I am a service vendor so I don’t have access to those details. Thanks for responding.

Development team is already looking into this problem. I will let you know when solution is known. Meantime, could you provide me with customer name via private msg, thanks!

Can you send me how to reply private or direct email me at

I just sent you an email. Thanks!

Having same issue with same error in import log…


Can you please provide more details? Is this SUA 2.2 coexistence scenario?

Yes, installed SUA 9.2, (already have 2.2 running), did all the steps to migrate the 2.2 clients (including putting the 2 new .rb files on the sua 2.2 server, Migrate to 2.2 patch), ran the Migrate SUA 2.2 endpoints (and they seem to get the new property). But when I try to run the initial first import from SUA 9.2, it runs for a while and then I get the same error as the other users here "the UPDATE statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint “ckt_rw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd”. The confilct occurd in database “temadb”, table "dbo.raw_datasource_fixlet_results_scd"
It then throws a bunch of other exceptions (mostly Java) and then fails and never completes the import.

Thank you for more info. I will let you know once we have solution.

We are testing the hotfix, once confirmed, I will post how and where it can be downloaded.

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@ADutch1 @jwgibson949
Technote related to the problem, along with hotfix can be found under following link:

Maybe I am too quick, but the link is not valid…

You are way too quick :smile: Should be up within 30min, its processing.

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I am just glad you guys fixed it this quick!

It is now published, please let me know if it resolved the problem for you. Thanks!