On one of the server, i am receiving failed scan error. After checking, i see that software identification tag scan is failing. I tried to scan but “initiate software scan” is not relevant on the server.
Relevance 5 gets failed.
Could anyone please suggest me what should be done. Even "uninstall scanner " or “install/upgrade scanner” is not relevant.
What was the error returned with software identification tag scan? Check if there is more information in iso_scan_status.info in CIT folder in the failed server.
Relevance 5 checks for running wscansw process. If the process is still running, it’s an indication of issue with the Initiate Software scan and the process could be hung.
Check if the server has large file systems to indicate scan time out. If the scan process is hung, then it can be killed and this should clear the current running action and make the other tasks relevant.
There was no error returned. It just got failed with 0 exit code. Today i removed the CIT folder from server and then “uninstall scanner” becomes relevant so i uninstalled the scanner. installed it again using “install or upgrade scanner”. After than “initiate software scan” becomes relevant and completed successfully but “upload software scan” is not relevant and is returning relevance 2 and 4 as false,
Strangely again "install scanner ", “uninstall scanner” and “initiate software scan” all the fixlets are showing not relevant.
Try review the “Software Scan Status” analysis under the Results tab. Ensure those columns called “Status of Scan for…” are reporting “OK” status. These columns will also give you the actual scan error code if the scan failed.