Software install - specify path for c:\pro\ x 86 creates a new folder?

Hi I’m trying to deploy an application and the install works but the issue is that the command requires that I put in an install path.

I specified the path in my deployment task and it creates a folder that is C:\Program Files (x86) (x86)\app name

What’s causing the folder to be created?

My command is setup.exe -unattended -Installpath “c:\program files (x86)\Appname

Does it create that odd folder if you run the command directly on the endpoint?

If it does, then it might just be a problem with the application installer.

It doesn’t do it if I run it from a command prompt.

I actually want it to install to D:\program files (x86)\application name.

Can you post the actionscript that you’re using?

Yes please post the script.
Did you have the closing quotes in your script? Because it’s missing from your post.
You probably also need to disable wow64 redirection.