Software distribution for 64-bit fails

Hello everyone.
I’ve been trying to install Filezilla via Software Distribution, but i’ve been getting errors.
There is already a task uploaded by strawgate to Bigfix.Me - Deploy - FileZilla - - Windows - for the win32 version.
We have the 64-bit version installed on our computers, and this task would be to upgrade the versions.
We got the latest installer and used SWD to create the deployment task. Code in the end.

Every time it runs, I get a weird return code:

Command started - wait run.bat (action:1578)
Command succeeded (Exit Code=-1073741502) wait run.bat (action:1578)
Command succeeded parameter “returnCode” = “-1073741502” (action:1578)
Command succeeded (-1073741502) exit {parameter “returnCode”} (action:1578)

If I run the same command by hand in an elevated prompt, it works perfectly and the installation completes.
Is there any issues with using x64 installers with Bigfix, considering it uses the local system account? Anyone can spot what I am doing wrong?

Any help is much appreciated.

Bigfix running on Win2012 R2.
Installation attempted on Windows 10 client.

Deployment code:

//**Begin Preparation Marker
// Download all specified files
begin prefetch block
add prefetch item name=2C28D76CA1536F5C68E0F018762D17F0FB4AAA14 sha1=2c28d76ca1536f5c68e0f018762d17f0fb4aaa14 size=6668096 url=SWDProtocol:// sha256=d6c75f8a73b8c837a42878350dee1dbfe0e10bba8e7882d749110f3d5d68a8e6
end prefetch block

// All SWD files will go into a folder in the clients __BESData folder. This folder gets cleared on every restart.
parameter “baseFolder” = “__Download/”
// Move files into subfolders and unescape file names
move “__Download/2C28D76CA1536F5C68E0F018762D17F0FB4AAA14” “{parameter “baseFolder”}FileZilla_3.22.2.2_win64-setup.exe”

// Log setup
parameter “mainSWDLogFolder” = “{parent folder of client folder of current site}/__Global/SWDDeployData”
folder create “{parameter “mainSWDLogFolder”}”
parameter “logFile” = “SWD_DeploymentResults.log”

//**End Preparation Marker
delete __createfile
parameter “logFolder” = “{parameter “mainSWDLogFolder”}”
// Run setup process
delete run.bat

// Use .bat to set working directory to packages root, for setup command.
createfile until end
cd “{parameter “baseFolder”}”
rem // See comments at the beginning of this action for an explanation of the comment markers.
echo %DATE% %TIME% >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}”
echo Action ID: {id of active action} >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}”
rem //**Begin Command Marker
echo Command: “FileZilla_3.22.2.2_win64-setup.exe” /S /user=all >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}”
set errorlevel=
“FileZilla_3.22.2.2_win64-setup.exe” /S /user=all >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}” 2>&1
set SWDExitCode=%errorlevel%
rem //**End Command Marker

echo Return code: %SWDExitCode% >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}”
echo. >> “{parameter “logFolder”}/{parameter “logFile”}”
exit %SWDExitCode%

move __createfile run.bat
// You will not be able to stop or take action on an applicable BigFix Client until your installer completes.
// So ensure no user input is required.
// If your package absolutely must interact with the user, replace ‘override wait’ with ‘override run’ and ‘wait’ with ‘run’.
override wait
wait run.bat

//**Begin Closing Marker
// Get the return code of the previous action.
parameter “returnCode” = “{exit code of action}”

// Task will now exit.
exit {parameter “returnCode”}
//**End Closing Marker

There shouldn’t be anything wrong with SWD itself as it just distributes files. Have you tried running the task as current user instead (the SWD dashboard can switch the action to run as current user instead of run as system user)?

If that still doesn’t work, then you might need to figure out what is going on based on that exit code. A couple of links from a quick google search:


If you type “@strawgate” instead of just “strawgate” it’ll send me a notification directly like a bat signal :slight_smile:

The tasks generated by software distribution make a batch file in the site folder of your client called, “run.bat” in __BESData\CustomSite_SiteName that you can try running to see if you can reproduce this issue.

In the meantime i’ll see what I can do about making deploy/update for the x64 version of FileZilla.


I have added x64 support for FileZilla in C3 Patch – the fixlet should be available shortly in C3 Patch.

Here’s working actionscript:

prefetch 2C28D76CA1536F5C68E0F018762D17F0FB4AAA14.exe sha1:2C28D76CA1536F5C68E0F018762D17F0FB4AAA14 size:6668096 sha256:D6C75F8A73B8C837A42878350DEE1DBFE0E10BBA8E7882D749110F3D5D68A8E6
override wait
wait "__Download\2C28D76CA1536F5C68E0F018762D17F0FB4AAA14.exe" /S /user=all

Thank you all for the replies.
@zevanty, indeed running manually works. I started looking into policies that may restrict installation on this particular environment.
@strawgate, thanks for the new upload, your work for the community is appreciated. Thanks for the tip regarding the run.bat, will check it if I find further problems.