Software Distribution Deleting files


Is there a reason when you remove files out of software distribution it doesn’t delete them off the disk?

Am I deleting it wrong?

They will delete eventually as part of the clean-up processes. I think you can see this happening when you enable verbose logging for the FillDB. I’m not in front of my BES right now, but the events are something like “UploadDirectoryMonitor: MaybeNewFileVersion: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\UploadManagerData\BufferDir\sha1\50\14121350\itsitsearch_0_14121350.xml.bz2”

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If you have Software distribution as part of the Lifecycle Module, then when you use the “Manage Software Distribution Dashboard” and delete the files or packages from there, I have watched the files and their sha1 named folders be deleted from from the C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads folder in real time.
If you delete the fixlet directly from the console, then if the fixlet was created with the dashboard, the files remain until the besadmin tool cleanup is run…
HOWEVER if you use the Windows or Mac distribution wizard to create and upload files , then if you delete the fixlet or task, the upload becomes orphaned and remains in the upload folder till you manually delete it.
This , in the hands of un-informed admins, leads to the disk filling up of totally useless files.
There is session relevance you can run in the presentation debugger and in conjunction with an analysis, “Bigfix Server - Uploads Directory - Windows” you can get a list of the Sha1 folders that dont appear to have a fixlet available for them. This works well for single file uploads but multiple files in folder upload , it shows the contents of those folder uploads as ophaned with the exception of one file. Its easy to accidentally delete the files to a current fixlet or task if this scenario is not carefully watched.

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I almost always create content by hand and place the files directly into the sha1 directory, never the upload directory (seems redundant). My understanding was that periodically those sha1 values were compared to content, and if there was no matching content, the file would be removed. Sounds like that isn’t the case and I need to do some house keeping…

do you have a document about There is session relevance you can run in the presentation debugger and in conjunction with an analysis, “Bigfix Server - Uploads Directory - Windows” you can get a list of the Sha1 folders that dont appear to have a fixlet available for them.

That seems to be the best way for me to clean up our issues.